This is a reference price as no car model has been selected.
25th Anniversary EVENTOur store will celebrate its 25th anniversary in 2025.
To commemorate this, we will be holding a 25th anniversary event every month!
Click for details!

Established for over 20 years, sold over 8,000 units per year, sold over 300 units per year, and achieved numerous sales and contest prizes! This is an online shopping site operated by Sound Evolution Onlog, which has a reliable and proven track record.

Website Renewal Announcement!

Our website has been fully renewed.

The previous website was created about 15 years ago, and we have been improving it over time. This time, based on the content and database cultivated from the previous website, we spent 5 years collecting feedback from customers to make it more accessible. We aimed to eliminate the hesitation of entering a pro shop, allow pricing to be nearly finalized, and offer more convenient after-sales service to our customers.

The renewed website reflects my strong demands and will continue to evolve significantly.

We plan to add features to make the site more interactive and fun, like customizing purchases or creating a system that suggests plans interactively even for beginners.

We hope this website brings our shop closer to you and eliminates the anxiety of visiting a shop in person.

Creating this system has been a monumental task, and at times I wish I could just plug a USB into my brain to speed up the process. But we aim to deliver a highly precise website through continuous updates.

Our goal is to make a website that's enjoyable! We're working hard!!



Sound Evolution Logon is Chiba Prefecture's largest car audio and car security specialty store.

At our store, we have many customers who come from far away, and we use a demo board that is unique in Japan and allows for listening patterns to find out what the customers like.The quality and finish are based on the customer's preferences and how they would actually use their car. In addition to the genuine audio system, we also upgrade the genuine display audio system and smartphone. How to make it easier to use connections such as and Bluetooth, how to make it possible to play digital audio players etc. in the car, replacing the original speakers for dull sound, replacing the trade-in speakers, and installing high-end speakers in domestic and foreign cars. We can carry out construction regardless of your needs, so please feel free to contact us.
Our equipment includes an air-conditioned pit that allows you to work on your car at the optimal temperature, the latest woodworking equipment to save time and accuracy, a computer diagnostic machine that is compatible with all manufacturers to check the condition of your car, and everything from conventional R134 gas to the latest HFC-1234yf. Our new refrigerant gas charging and hand tools are maintained in the best environment using the most reliable Snap-on equipment and cutting-edge technology.
While your car is in our custody, we will not only mask the body to prevent scratches, but also monitor it with a 24/7 monitoring system using ALSOK and 10 cameras.


demo board
A special page has been opened that allows for Japan's only types and listening patterns! !
Special page opened! !

Work on your car at the optimal temperature
air conditioner pit

latest woodworking equipment
Shorter work time and accuracy

computer diagnostic machine
Diagnostic equipment compatible with all manufacturers

Scratch prevention
thorough body masking

24/7 monitoring system with ALSOK and 10 cameras

Click here for the earliest car security installation date!

IGLA 2025-03-21 (Fri)
Grgo 2025-04-03 (Thu)
Panthera 2025-04-03 (Thu)

Latest car audio construction examples

Latest car security construction examples